Bengaluru: After weeks of high-voltage political drama in the state of Karnataka which saw several MLAs tendering their resignations, the fate of the coalition government of Janata Dal Secular and Congress – one way or the other – could well be sealed on Thursday as it faces floor test inside the Vidhana Soudha. The outcome of the floor test could decide if HD Kumaraswamy remains as the Karnataka Chief Minister or if his 13-month tenure – marked with in-fighting, suspicion, allegations and even tears – will come to a shattering end.Kumaraswamy himself has left nothing to chance and issued whip to party MLAs – including the ones who have dissented, to be present in the Assembly for the floor test. He has even warned that if MLAs do not attend the House and if they vote against the party, action under the Anti-Defection Law will be initiated against them. This despite Supreme Court on Wednesday stating that it is not mandatory for any of the dissenting MLAs to attend the House proceedings.The top court had also said that Speaker Ramesh Kumar cannot be given a time frame within which to decide on the resignations of Congress and JDS MLAs who have so far remained adamant that they will not reconsider their decision. Only Ramalinga Reddy of Congress has said that he will withdraw his resignation and said that his previous decision was due to internal reasons.It promises to be a tense Thursday in Karnataka politics as the entire country keeps a close watch on the proceedings.