The Congress-JDS alliance in Karnataka on Friday decided to ignore the deadline set by Governor Vajubhai Vala for trust vote. Backing the ruling alliance, Speaker KR Ramesh said that there cannot be any division without discussion. The MLAs also raised slogans of “go back Governor” in defiance of the deadline.
Even on Friday, the Assembly witnessed blame game by members of the ruling coalition as well as the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).
Following the adjournment of the House on Thursday, Karnataka Governor Vajubhai Vala had written a letter to Chief Minister Kumaraswamy and asked him to prove his government’s strength in the Assembly by Friday afternoon. He set a deadline of 1.30 pm for Kumaraswamy to face the floor test. As the Assembly session began on Thursday, Kumaraswamy moved a one-line motion seeking a vote of confidence. However, what followed was an intense debate wherein the two sides accused each other of horse-trading and conspiring to destabilise the government in Karnataka. During the debate, BJP-led opposition alleged that the coalition government was trying to prolong the debate in a last ditch effort to shore up its numbers.