With 32.29 crore subscribers, Reliance Jio has piped Bharti Airtel to become India’s second largest mobile operator in the month of May, a report by Telecom regulator Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) showed.Vodafone Idea (post merger of Vodafone India and Idea Cellular) retained the numero uno position with 38.75 crore consumers in the wireless segment. However, Vodafone Idea’s subscriber base fell 5697998 to 387556873 in May from 393254871 subscribers in April this year.Jio had 322987567 telecom subscribers in May as compared to 314807219 subscribers in April 2019. While Bharti Airtel had 320383358 subscribers in May as compared to 321891732 subscribers in April. Jio also had net addition of 8180348 subscribers for the month of May, TRAI data showed.The Wireless Tele-density in India declined from 88.42 at the end ofApr-19 to 88.31 at the end of May-19. The Rural Wireless Tele-density declined from 56.94 at the end of Apr-19 to 56.42 at the end of May-19. However,Urban Wireless Tele-density increased from 155.71 to 156.41 during the same period. The share of rural and urban wireless subscribers in total number of wireless subscribers was 43.52 percent and 56.48 percent respectively at the end of May-19, TRAI data showed.The two other telecom companies which added wireless subscribers during May are Reliance Communication (476 subscribers) and Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd (BSNL) (2,125 subscribers).